Retroperitoneoscopic Surgery

Retroperitoneoscopic Surgery


Retroperitoneoscopy is frequently used in children forurological surgery. He used amediastinoscope inserted through the flank to biopsy a lymph node.Retroperitoneoscopy has the advantages of direct access to theretroperitoneal organs without violating the peritoneal cavity therebypreventing possible adhesive obstruction of the intestine. Thedisadvantages are limited working space, distortion of anatomy andsome amount of paralytic ileus setting in due to retroperitonealdissection. Common surgeries performed retroperitoneoscopicallyare pyeloplasty, nephrectomy, adrenalectomy, renal cyst de-roofing,surgery for retrocaval ureter, pyelolithotomy, ureterolithotomy andvaricocele ligation.

Retroperitoneoscopic surgery has shown advantages in urological surgery. However, its application in pancreatic surgery for neoplasm is rare. Robotic surgical system with its magnified view and flexible instruments may provide a superior alternative to conventional laparoscopic system in retroperitoneoscopic surgery. We aimed to evaluate the safety, feasibility, and short-term outcomes in a series of patients treated by robotic retroperitoneoscopic pancreatic surgery.

Urologist in Jaipur | Andrologist | Urology Surgeon | Dr. Kaushal Goyal

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